of Cecidit Nubila Family Crest

The of Cecidit Nubila Family

Creator: Jarick
Owner: Jarick

Members: 27

- Please don't release them..
- Please don't resell them (if I sold one to you). It is a little mean.. I will always take my babies back and refund you if desired.
- You MAY gift them. Knowing me, I probably gifted it to you first.
- Personally, I would prefer to see them grow, rather than be frozen, but if it really is a big deal for you PM me. We can discuss it.
- I DO NOT intend to inbreed, and you should find inbreeding weird. You may, however, brred them with other Chain Elks. In fact, please do. Let's keep our little family growing.


1st Generation (19)

2nd Generation (6)