of the Copper Pearl Family Crest

The of the Copper Pearl Family

Creator: Feathers
Owner: Sophia

Members: 9

After a visit to Feathers, you decide to wander around her Keep a bit; walking down one path, you find a dark tunnel, damp and smelling of the sea, that you decide to follow to its opening, a wide cave mouth that looks out over an illusion of the open ocean. Looking out, you see a pair of Copper Pearl Wyrms exploring, poking around under rocks and under the water. You smile to yourself at their curiosity and exploration.


~This is a free family; don't sell the babies, please!

~If you can, breed your baby with SB Copper Wyrms. If you can't manage SB, then only breed your baby with COPPER Pearl Wyrms.

~No inbreeding! Icky.

~DO NOT release your baby; if you don't want it anymore, send it back to me!

~In order to receive a 1st-gen baby, PM me and tell me what you'd name your baby if it was a boy and if it was a girl; I will then send you your baby hatched and named.

~Love them lots!


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (2)