Lupus House Family Crest

The Lupus House Family

Creator: Amelza
Owner: Silvereil

Members: 37

Long ago, there was another land ruled by another royal family. The were the Lupus family. Now, things at those times were unstable and war was always on the brink of erupting. The King and Queen took their pups and went into hiding, never seen again. The empire fell when war finally came to them. Centuries later, pups appeared with the same royal features that the ancient Lupus family had. Their history was traced back to that family. For that, the progenitors took up the name 'Lupus House' in honor of the ancient royal blood.

Notes: (Please Read)

~ Direwolves only

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (15)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (3)