Honoris Causa Family Crest

The Honoris Causa Family

Creator: crazyflight
Owner: Anonymous

Members: 10

Don't you want to honor someone who deserves it? Pearl Wyrms think so. Only the children of Crazyflight and Whisperpool that are most honorable and shine gold are named after one who truly is honorable.

1. I will name the creature. It will be "Ad [username]".
2. When you earn one, please don't give it away. That ruins everything. It's yours.
3. Do not freeze.
4. DO NOT BREED. This family will only consist of 1st generation creatures.
5. Black/copper wyrm eggs will be frozen. Just saying.

Just you know, if you said "Ad Crazyflight Honoris Causa," it means "To Crazyflight, for the sake of honor," in Greek.


1st Generation (8)