Gargoyles Family Crest

The Gargoyles Family

Creator: Raven
Owner: Raven

Members: 5

Historians have long debated the myth of Gargoyles and the church such as Notre Dame for Centuries
Some say the spirits defend against the far uglier demons, evils and sins which might seduce the faithful into Hell
Another suggests that the gargoyles stand to remind of what awaits in the depths of their sins

The tears of a gargoyle perched on a ruins wall
frozen there by natures hand condemned to never fall
The gnarled and eerie features of a stony staring face
Worn by time it still gives sight of a cold and lonely place
What ancient craftsman fashioned this?
what nightmare caused his mind?
to give this creature angels wings then sculpt its face unkind
What spiteful muse did whisper
and guide the makers hand to a leering grin and evil crouching stand
Eyes that only seem to glare anger at the fate
that gave it only ugliness then made it sit and wait
In cold eternal silence its tears the only trace
of a soul forever hiding
the truth behind the face


1st Generation (3)