Call the Shots Family Crest

The Call the Shots Family

Creator: whiteouthorizon
Owner: whiteouthorizon

Members: 11

Not much of a story behind this one... I was watching people perform Call the Shots at the V Festival in 2008 when one of them got attacked by a wasp, and I suddenly remembered how Winged Cat hatchlings are like wasps in that they never go away and tend to irritate people. And Call the Shots sounded nice with Ebon and Ivoire, so... here we are.

~ Do not release
~ Naming is appreciated, but not necessary
~ Name 'em whatever, but keep it appropriate
~ No duplicate names
~ Stream or crash-born Winged Cats only, please
~ Do not mix with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (1)