of the Far Pavilions Family Crest

The of the Far Pavilions Family

Creator: SilivrenTinu
Owner: SilivrenTinu

Members: 12

This lineage was created after the romantic adventure novel "The Far Pavilions" by M. M. Kaye. If you haven't read it, you really should give it a try. I warn you, though - you will likely be unable to set the book down until you've finished reading and it is a thick book, so make sure you have the time to read it! ;-) Please name any lineage offspring after characters from that book, or, if you run out of names, give them Indian names.

You can find the names of all book characters here: http://www.purrlions.net/ash/character.htm

* Name the creature (according to the rules).
* No freezing.
* No inbreeding or breeding with other lineages (pair your creature with SB Telvian Panthers, please).
* No selling.
* No releasing - you can send unwanted creatures of this lineage back to me anytime. :)


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (2)