of Baker Street Family Crest

The of Baker Street Family

Creator: SilivrenTinu
Owner: SilivrenTinu

Members: 18

Once again I have to apologize to my progenitors for forcing them to become a pair! :D Since there aren't that many women in Holmes' life, the alternative would have been to marry him to Mrs. Hudson... and I really couldn't do that to her, lol. This lineage is dedicated to Arthur Conan Doyle and his wonderful fictional character, Sherlock Holmes (but I bet you've figured that out by now *g*).

Please name your lineage creatures after a character in a Sherlock Holmes book, movie, whatever.

Only normal Gryphons (all colours) and regular Hippogryphs are allowed in this lineage. You are not allowed to inbreed your creatures, breed them with other lineages, freeze them, sell them or release them (just send unwanted creatures back to me).


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (6)

3rd Generation (2)