Swiftsong Family Crest

The Swiftsong Family

Creator: aurora37
Owner: aurora37

Members: 7

Pegasus, Bird of the Swift Wings.

This is a lineage of pegasi ONLY. Please do your best to follow these few simple rules:
1. Please DO NOT inbreed.
2. Your Swiftsong's name should follow the correct Grammar rules and should NOT be over 2 words long, unless you use "of". If so, please keep the "o" in "of" UNcapitalized.
3. You MUST keep the lineage restricted to peagsi ONLY. I will create other lineages in the future where this rule does not apply.
4. Please breed your Swiftsong at least once, twice if the first time was unsuccessful. I would like (this is not a strict rule) it a lot if you could please breed them with a Streamborn peagsus for the first (successful) breed. If the Swiftsong is a Pinto, please try to breed it with another Pinto for its first offspring.

Crest by kissmixwell06


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (1)

3rd Generation (1)