Celestrial Gaurdians Family Crest

The Celestrial Gaurdians Family

Creator: MythicalDragon
Owner: MythicalDragon

Members: 3

A full moon hung like a pearly ball in a pool of stars above the keep. The stars glowed like tiny diamonds. A shrill yet beautiful cry pierces the still night air, as two luminecent crystalwings soar through the sky. Starry trail left behind like a boat's wake. You watch in awe as these magnificent beasts pause infront of your keep's window, the smaller one - a female comes up to the frame and peers at you inside. Reaching up your hand you gentally touch the creature's forehead. It calls out again and flys off into the horizen. There on the window sill sits a beautiful blue egg, a gem like topaz the colour of the bigger stars glints and gleams at the top. Carefully you pick it up and hold it close, whispering the words 'thankyou' to the horizen where the Crystalwings had flew. Gaurdians of the celestrial heavens.


Please never freeze or release these babys.
Name them
Name them something to do with stars or their color (=
Remember to feed them stardust xD ;)


1st Generation (1)