Unblurred Howl Family Crest

The Unblurred Howl Family

Creator: Elizabeth100
Owner: Elizabeth100

Members: 14

As you walk farther into the keep, you find a cave with white snow sprinkled over the top. A wolf sits in front, with pink eyes and snow white fur. You get closer, and she growls, but as you hold out your hand for her to smell it she relaxes. You check the name scribbled hastily on her collar and it reads "Snow." She looks at you with her pink eyes, and puts a paw in your hand. On the paw, is a birth mark in the shape of the letters UBH. A loud howl comes from inside the cave, and though the wind is blowing, you can hear it clearly. Snow shifts her weight, gets up, and walks inside, leaving you with a brown and white egg, with a mixed paw print on the front.

Family rules

No releasing


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (3)