of the Nogitsune Family Crest

The of the Nogitsune Family

Creator: shadowfox3163
Owner: shadowfox3163

Members: 13

The Nogitsune are Kitsune who are mischievous and can even be a little bit malicious sometimes. They are Kitsune from Japanese Folklore, that do not follow Inari and exist to teach people lessons. They can be helpful at times but it is generally only to repay a debt. However, there is a lesson to be learned in this too. Though not outright, these Kitsune oppose the Zenko simply because they do not want to follow Inari and follow his rules, they simply want to maintain their mischievous lifestyle.

- THINK BEFORE YOU NAME. Always use correct capitalization. Seeing as names are unchangeable, if you have any doubt of your intended name, please PM me and ask.
- Only breed with other Regular Kitsune, Must be SB!
- Don't freeze!
- Any other questions or clarifications please PM me! (shadowfox3163)


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (3)