of Sparking Silver Family Crest

The of Sparking Silver Family

Creator: Lilianne
Owner: Lilianne

Members: 9

This family was born from the sparks of a silversmith's fire. So engrossed was he in his craft that as he struck and shaped the silver, little forest spirits were drawn to him, and joined with the sparks flying from his masterpiece. When he had finished and looked up from the glowing silver, two foxes stood before him; one with silver fur so beautiful and pure that it gleamed like the metal itself, and the other with fur the same rich, gleaming red of the heart of his fire.

Offspring names mean either flame, silver, or some variation. The progenitors are named after characters in one of my stories.
Nicho is also a part of the family, he was just born before the family name was given. Since this has caused some controversy within the family, Nicho has started a new family with Arian named "of Starlight".

Both of these families now have a story.


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (1)