Sweet Leaf Family Crest

The Sweet Leaf Family

Creator: Evy
Owner: Evy

Members: 72

Lineage Rules:
~No inbreeding.
~Do not interbreed with other lineages.
~No freezing OR releasing eggs or hatchies. If you do not want your little leaf, please send it back to ThatDeadGirl.
~You are free to sell, or gift as you wish.
~Name your Sweetleaf - PLEASE. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing unnamed critters in a lineage. If you like it enough to ask for one, then take the time to name it please.

Read the rules and follow them or you will be added to a blacklist that prohibits you from receiving ANY of my lineage babies.

Crest by: Rosehill


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (18)

4th Generation (14)

5th Generation (9)

6th Generation (5)

7th Generation (5)

8th Generation (4)