smells fishy Family Crest

The smells fishy Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 11

The Donec fish family called "smells fishy" have gotten their name from being very suspicious of every and all things. Even when things appear to be okay the smells fishies believe there is something wrong and that things are not like they seem. Evil tongues might call these Donecs paranoid, but the smells fishies will have none of that; they take pride in never having been tricked into doing anything.

-Please do not freeze eggs or hatchlings
-Please do not release
-Please do not inbreed
-If you do not want your smells fishy anymore, please send it to Rosehill or to Master Belmos

Request your own smells fishy here:
Crest by me, request your own here:


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (4)