Fireweaver Family Crest

The Fireweaver Family

Creator: Drachenschwinge
Owner: Drachenschwinge

Members: 37

You stare at the creature in front of you. You've never seen an Anaugi like this before. It is much larger than its conspecifics and its eyes are evily glancing at you.
The bodies of these Anaguis are strange, covered in solidified magma, which looks like an armor. Lava is running out of cracks all over their bodies. It is said that these evil beasts were the first living creatures on earth and that they lived when the surface of the earth was covered in lava and volcanos. As the climate became colder they hide deep beneath the earth, in the heat of earth's core. There they waited... waited for the time to rise...

-no freezing, releasing or inbreeding
-name your Anaugi! Please use "heavy" sounding names. Here you can find some names if you need help.
-They are evil. If you break a rule they will just eat you >:D

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (13)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (3)

5th Generation (1)

6th Generation (1)