Oh Deer Family Crest

The Oh Deer Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 65

Oh Deer deer are notorious for ending up in all kinds of trouble. It is believed that this happens unintentionally and the deer of the family are just more accident prone than other deer. The Oh Deers have gotten their name from the most common reaction their excursions elicit in the Magi. When someone encountered a Cervinus Deer stuck on a tree from his tusks, the first uttered phrase was a surprised "Oh dear!" followed with a fond and amused "Oh, deer".

-Please do not freeze eggs. Freezing hatchlings is okay.
-Please do not release
-Please do not inbreed
-Even same gen mates preferred, but SB mates are okay too
-If you do not want your Oh Deer anymore, please send it to Rosehill or to Master Belmos

Request your own Oh Deer here: http://magistream.com/37-family-center/65391-rosehill-s-lineage-lair.html
Crest by me, request your own here: http://magistream.com/51-seller-s-gallery/92201-rosehill-s-graphics-galore.html

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (16)

3rd Generation (23)

4th Generation (8)

5th Generation (2)

6th Generation (3)

7th Generation (3)