of Broceliande Family Crest

The of Broceliande Family

Creator: sellerie
Owner: sellerie

Members: 32

And there may come a time for you to say
What most you think it is that we need here
To make of this Brocéliande a refuge
Where two disheartened sinners may forget
A world that has today no place for them.
(Edwin Arlington Robinson; Merlin)

Please follow a few simple rules:
* NO inbreeding!
* NO frozen eggs! It is ALLOWED to freeze hatchlings. But not to many, please!
* Breed your Cervinus Deer and its offspring only with streamborn C. Deers (Brown) or the lowest possible Gen Hybrids (Black, White & Piebald).
* Don't breed your Cervinus Deer and its offspring with other lineages!
* Don't release your Cervinus Deer and its offspring! If you don't want them anymore, please send them back to me.
* Give your Cervinus Deer and its offspring appropriate, mysterious names. Be creative.
* Make sure that whoever you sell/gift the offspring of your Cervinus Deer will adhere to these rules too!

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (13)

3rd Generation (6)

4th Generation (7)