Seileain II Family Crest

The Seileain II Family

Creator: Ruffian75
Owner: Ruffian75

Members: 3

Lost to the family...

A lonely, lost Coal Wyrm, black as night, wandered around the remnants of the Keep looking for Ruffian75, his master. The ruins still smoked. "Aly Ateyo Seileain" read the inscription engraved into his chest scales as one might engrave an ID Tag.

First-born son of a proud family prior to the Mage Wars, he could no longer remember his family, named "Seileain"; his pedigree was lost. Saddened almost beyond grief itself, his only comfort came when his owner, Ruffian75, found him and took him "home".

No, unfortunately, Ruffian had no way to restore him to his family; all attempts failed because the magic could never be strong enough. All Ruffian could do was to find him a mate and create the "Seileain II" family in honor and remembrance of the family from which Aly Ateyo had come.

Please breed as many as possible. Please try to avoid inbreeding and do raise ALL offspring to maturity.


1st Generation (1)