of the Daedra Family Crest

The of the Daedra Family

Creator: Wolfe
Owner: Wolfe

Members: 14

The Daedra are a group of powerful supernatural entities that inhabit the plane of Oblivion. Although they are generally not bound to the psychical world, they are capable of manifesting within the mortal plane of Mundus. They are well-known by the inhabitants of Tamriel, where they are feared by some and worshiped by others.

Daedra are psychically very diverse, ranging in form; humaniod or beast-like, and may be bound by soul to weapons or armor. Although they can be killed in the mortal plane, they are considered immortal, as their soul or Animus is usually sent back to Oblivion in the event that their body is destroyed. After being killed, a Daedra's soul will wander the plane of Oblivion and eventually re-constitute its original form; this torturous period can last many centuries, and is the closest thing to death that a Daedra can experience.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)