Forestkeeper Family Crest

The Forestkeeper Family

Creator: Faorzia
Owner: Faorzia

Members: 4

The Forestkeeper kitsunes, from the Far Reaches of Mekador, are entrusted with the task of defending the Lamæ Forest. These kitsune are fit for the task; they are among the most stealthy and agile kitsune in existence. Many of them stay spread around the Lamæ Forest, acting as informants to others should any attacker ever strike. When called on, several Forestkeepers will come and counterattack any intruder.
These kitsune are able to tap into the magic of the forest to gain more power to fight off people with evil intent. They also have allies, should they ever be overwhelmed: they are allied with the Streamsinger and Storyteller direwolves. The Forestkeeper kitsune also have traveled far to learn more of the lands beyond Lamæ Forest and thus, some have come to reside at the Keep.


1st Generation (2)