RavensRealm Family Crest

The RavensRealm Family

Creator: Raven
Owner: Raven

Members: 12

The Realm
lands of old
Here you find beings untold
Thestral like beasts
The last ride for souls deceased

You jump back in disbelief

A voice shouts out from the fleet
Who are you n what do you know?
A young woman steps from the heard ever so slow
followed by a crooked foal

she shakes her fist holding a bottle firmer
Milk splats you as the foal starts to quiver

-You ask
What are these creatures n where am I?

Gypsy slaps her forehead n lets out a sigh
To see into the realm your mind must be free

Gypsy points back
They are visible only to those who once breathed
No its not you who has come to rest
Are you on a journey from the West?
Why did the Reaper pass you buy?

The Reapers charger a magnificent steed
The keeper of sorrows to your hopes n dreams

Yet a giver of life
what dies is reborn
Now shut your eyes
head back from where you where born

For I am their Gypsy
you have been warned
Now go make haste
keep my secret you have sworn!


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)