Dippingsun Family Crest

The Dippingsun Family

Creator: Blindstar97
Owner: Blindstar97

Members: 12

The Dippingsun family is a noble clan who pride themselves on status. Focused on keeping their line purely fire phoenixes, gryphons, fire gryphons, black pegasi, and solar hippogryphs, the Dippingsuns are known for producing well-bred companions. To have a companion with Dippingsun blood is an honor only bestowed to the select few. Members of the Dippingsun family carry themselves in a proud and stoic way, letting all others know who they are. Some say that Dippingsun parents "strut" around freshly laid eggs in hopes of influencing the hatchlings' behaviors before they even hatch. These rumors are usually dismissed, however, since a Dippingsun is too proud to do that.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (6)