Im Nanas Legacy Family Crest

The Im Nanas Legacy Family

Creator: Arrias
Owner: Arrias

Members: 9

*I'm Nana's Legacy was created in honor of my grandmother who passed away.

Nana's herd is a legacy left by the old grandmother who used to care for them. Living alone in the woods in a modest but beautiful cottage she cared for all of the companions that came to her, but her favorite were always the Cervinus Deer. The only person in the world that could distinguish between Cervinus Deer and normal deer Nana was constantly visited by young magi wishing to learn her quiet, compassionate ways of communicating with the world around her. Those deemed worthy were given one of her deer as a companion. Her legacy will live on.

1. You may freeze hatchlings NOT eggs
2. You must name them
3. NEVER release them
4. ONLY gift them to people that have done extraordinary things
5. NO inbreeding
6. Spread the love and the legacy


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (1)