Solaria Family Crest

The Solaria Family

Creator: MageLorelei
Owner: MageLorelei

Members: 8

There was once a little girl who was afraid of all flying creatures, and locked herself in her room. The gods, in their infinite wisdom, created a creature just for her. The god of gryphons gave it the front of a gryphon, so it could protect the girl and soar through the air. The god of the pegai gave it the temperament of a peagasus so it would be kind and loving. The god of the dragons gave it sharp wits, and finally, the god of the birds chose the bless the creature with the fires of a phoenix. As the girl hid, she heard a pair of cries. Looking out, she saw two hatchlings of this creature, abandoned and alone. Taking pity on them, she took them in, and as they grew, so did her fear lessen, until it was gone. Those creatures, made immortal by the gods, still bear her name. Solaria, the daughter of the sun

Please dont freeze or abandon them
If they arent wanted, send them to Master Belmos or me
I would like them to be named
Only Breed in Solar Hippogrpyhs

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (1)