Winged Scouts Family Crest

The Winged Scouts Family

Creator: Namyre

Members: 21

Owned by Namyre and everlastingsun. Direct questions to either of us.
If you no longer want your Winged Scout, give to either Namyre or everlastingsun.

The duty of the Winged Scouts is keeping peace among Magi. Consider them your life-protectors, as they will lend a claw to any who truly need it. Do not harm any of them, or the Mighty Progenitors will be after you.

No freezing.
No releasing.
Never sell for profit.
The winged scouts are FREE to all.
Give your Winged Scout a good name.
Breed to as many different things as possible.


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (1)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (5)

5th Generation (6)

6th Generation (3)