WishA MerryChristmas Family Crest

The WishA MerryChristmas Family

Creator: Sakura171
Owner: Sakura171

Members: 7

* Name EVERY WichA MerryChristmas baby you breed the same name as your username as soon as it's born/before you gift it to someone else.
*Do not release (send back to me,Asuna222 or MaxiKing if unwanted)
*Freezing of eggs and hatchlings is allowed, but you still MUST name them after yourself.
*Breed them at least once, but preferably breed them like CRAZY!
*Do not sell any of them..Only gift them away.
*Please tell the person you give about the rules as they have to add here them even they are being gifted

Family rules

No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (5)