Glowspire Family Crest

The Glowspire Family

Creator: Tellurium
Owner: Tellurium

Members: 4

You know immediately you have journeyed too far from the Keep. The ominous shadows of towering trees guide your path into this darkness, for the only way to move is forward. The damp forest floor crunches strangely crunches under your feet. Then you stop. Fear shoots down your spine when you hear a crunch not from your feet, but from your numbing legs. A gentle light ascends up your body, before curling its entire length around your arm. You soon realize it's not a light, but a creature; a creature that is now upon you. These are the crawlers of the name Glowspire.

The Daycrawlers and Nightcrawlers of the Glowspire family are much more social than most of their kind. However, much of this sociable behavior leads to misguided aggression, so caution is vital. Contact a trained professional if you have any doubts in interacting with Glowspire crawlers. They are truly loving creatures despite their... enthusiasm.

They really quite like to climb, too, so be wary of that.


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (1)