Caramel Cookie Family Crest

The Caramel Cookie Family

Creator: bell08
Owner: bell08

Members: 53

A groundless story circulates around the Keep that the Magi(but no one actually believed in his or her existence.), who believed misfortune came from the imbalance of sugar, fell in love with Caramel Griffons(They are now this family's progenitors) at a glance and ordered them to preach the energy of LOVE and SUGAR.

-Family Rules
There are no rules in this family. Breed, Freeze, Release, it's all free. If you don't want them, let them Release.
BUT There is only one thing I want... I want you to name them please!<3 Any name will be good, but if it's the name of something food or sweet, all the better.XD -May the world be sprinkled with sugar and happiness by the Griffons!


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (16)

3rd Generation (10)

4th Generation (14)

5th Generation (1)