Crimson Shadows Family Crest

The Crimson Shadows Family

Creator: vipor
Owner: vipor

Members: 14

At times we carry sorrow and fear as a coat. While anger and hate stains our fur. But we won't be able to shed them, because they remind us who ment so much to us.

Merle and Altan where born as normal foxfires. Living happily with their magi.
But because the present is good doesn't mean it will stay that way. One night while Merle and Altan where still cubs a mob came in, believing the magi to be evil.
In the end the magi was no more. He had shielded the cubsfrom harm with his body. Altan had become covered in blood that stained part of his fur red. Merle had been hiding in the magi's robe where part of her fur became as black of the cloth protecting her.
Since then the two travel together, leading kind people to safethy and others into danger.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (6)