Scartender Family Crest

The Scartender Family

Creator: PKGriffin
Owner: PKGriffin

Members: 34

The Scartender family was once peaceful and prosperous. They kept a close link to nature, and despite their destructive element, they taught that only through fire could life come. Selfless by nature, the Scartenders became unfortunate victims caught between the war of another species, as does sometimes happen. They helped the Lightclaw Gryphons, giving them shelter and information that they knew about the darker Gryphons of the area. This made them traitors in the eyes of the Darkclaws, who were bitter enemies of the Lightclaws. With their newly acquired intelligence, the Lightclaws launched a devestating attack on the Darkclaws.The Scartenders knew nothing of what the Lightclaws did with the information they had given them, but the Darkclaws still blamed the fiery Phoenixes for it. They placed them as allies to the Lightclaws, and treated the birds just the same. From then on, the Scartenders had no choice but to join the Lightclaws.
- DO NOT BREED WITH Darkclaws or Snowscars


1st Generation (17)

2nd Generation (9)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (2)