Skysinger Family Crest

The Skysinger Family

Creator: Faeryl
Owner: Faeryl

Members: 15

-- "carmen de glacie et igne" - A song of ice and fire --

Have you ever heard the song of the wilderness? It is rough and pure and simply beautiful. It is a magnificent play of wind and rain, of the molten heartbeat of the earth deep down in Voltar and of the purest snow in the high north of Arkene. It is a simple piece of magic that rests in everyone of us.
The Gryphons of the Skysinger-tribe do know this song all too well. Their voices rise to sun and moon before they even take flight for the first time, and there is nothing these creatures enjoy more than sharing their deep and heartfelt chants with everyone willing to listen.


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (1)