Aeterna Family Crest

The Aeterna Family

Creator: unspeakable
Owner: unspeakable

Members: 3

Long ago, when the Stream was still new, the Dark and Light Pegasi fought against each other for supremacy. But there was one Dark Pegasus who admired the beautiful white coats of the White Pegasi, and one white-winged Pegasus who saw past the darkness. Despite the hatred against crossbreeding, they fell in love...

The Dark Pegasus bore a child with white wings, and she was banished from her kind. And when his love was discovered, the Light Pegasus was nearly torn apart by his kindred. So they ran, far from the forests, the mountains, and the Stream, and raised their children wherever they could. They swore to love each other, and to protect their children from harm, forever.

These are the descendants of that long-ago couple...

(Cross-breeding Light x Dark *strongly* encouraged.)


1st Generation (1)