Flarks Family Crest

The Flarks Family

Creator: wolfcats
Owner: wolfcats

Members: 10

*You walk along the old path you saw close to Lake Lakira. You feel eyes watching you, waiting for you to respond. You come to an open clearing, to find a family of Quetzalcoatls. There are raza's, etainian's...they all seem to help each other, as a family would. Nestled under an outcropping of rocks are eggs, all bustled together, with a female Quetzalcoatl nearby.*

Welcome to the Flarks, a friendly, helping family of Quetzalcoatls.

Rules to have a Flark:
-please capitalize the right letters when naming
-don't breed with another family
-don't freeze
-don't release
-don't resell for more then you got it for

Thank you for reading, and have a good day.


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)