Sundew Family Crest

The Sundew Family

Creator: Swho
Owner: Swho

Members: 5

It was on the night of Magistream’s anniversary when these two met. There were fireworks, festivals, dancing and performances, laughter everywhere and not an unhappy soul in sight. Oh, and there was celebratory champagne. The fancy kind, but free.

It was said that the champagne was so fancy, in fact, it made the creatures who drunk it breathe fire. But anyway, that’s not the important thing. The important thing is that on this particular night a certain Pegasus and a Gryphon got pretty drunk. The gryphon, for some reason only known to himself, mistook the Pegasus for something else and well… pretty soon they were building a nursery.

Don’t do drink, kids! You may end up having a baby hippogryph!


1st Generation (3)