Sturmreiter Family Crest

The Sturmreiter Family

Creator: AvatarMagica
Owner: AvatarMagica

Members: 62

The Sturmreiter (Stormrider)-family is a family of majestic and graceful Gryphons and some phönixes which follow the lords of skies. They are powerfull pilots.
Everyone who are lucky enough to get a member of this family as friend, will find a friend for the whole life. When you fly with them though the sky, you will feel what is real freedom.

- NO inbreed!
- don´t release a family member (if you really don´t want them, please send it back to me)
- don´t freeze them please
- don´t breed with other lineages
- i would like it, if you give them a name =)
- you can breed with all gryphons (incl. ice & fire), with all phönixes, all peagasi - with all they could breed. the only thing is: no inbreed ;-)

PS. you would make me happy if you breed with them ;-) you can give the babies to friends or other users if you want.

(you break these simply rules, so you don´t get another lineagepet from me)
- GiratinaOrigin

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (19)

2nd Generation (28)

3rd Generation (10)

4th Generation (3)