Sa Diablo Family Crest

The Sa Diablo Family

Creator: Myrin
Owner: Myrin

Members: 25

In the Black Jewels Trilogy, the Sa Diablo family is a family that rules. One member, Saetan, rules fairly and kindly over Hell and the Dhemlan Territory; another, Dorothea, reigns ruthlessly over Hayll Territory and seeks to conquer the whole Realm of Terrielle, corrupting and destroying all who oppose her. Surnames in that world usually (but not always) follow the matriarchal line, and Surreal is one of the few women to claim that name. Descended of the conquering line but attached by choice to the benevolent one, Surreal and her boyfriend Falonar are likely to be the only ones from either side who can pass on the family name. Given her choice to follow the High Lord of Hell, I thought hellhounds would be an appropriate creature to symbolize the family.


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (6)