Eyjafjallajokull Family Crest

The Eyjafjallajokull Family

Creator: Cynthia
Owner: Cynthia

Members: 10

This family of Leviathans have been gifted with the ability to control different types of weather, though certain conditions must be met. The Trench Leviathans can turn hail into blizzards in the presence of ice, the Ocean Leviathans can make an overcast sky rain, the Storm Leviathans can cause a drizzle to produce lightning, the Forest Leviathans can (strangely) intensify sunlight in clear skies, and finally the Tropical Leviathans can turn any weather into a peaceful calm. However, the further they get from their Magi, the weaker their powers become.

Family Name Origin:
Named after the glacier Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland.

1. Please do not inbreed. That's not cool.
2. Give them a good home and a good name~
3. Do not freeze them.
4. Breed! I would like to see as many types of leviathan in this lineage as possible.

You may request my lineages here:



1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)