Corianth Family Crest

The Corianth Family

Creator: MenaSiletye
Owner: allicatlane

Members: 9

No inbreeding.

Direwolves only.

Herbal & floral names preferred.
Any unwanted members can be sent to allicatlane.

A line of Direwolves bred to seek out both magical & non-magical herbs for spellmaking, they are highly useful for alchemists who have access to them. Corianth Direwolves have a highly keen sense of smell, with a variety of physical builds depending on the region they are born in, being more willowy in grasslands or forests but more stocky in icy/cold lands.
Since their ability is attuned to their magi's wishes, they are very dependant on their owner, not being very independent in nature. Otherwise, they are alert, loyal, patient, & driven in general personality. Corianth Direwolves have a high drive that drives them to so readily seek out their objectives, so frequent trips are recommended to keep them mentally & physically healthy.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (7)