The Mexican Chocolate Family
Creator: PaleoMage
Owner: PaleoMage
Members: 14
We all know that even MagiStream Chupacabras can get a bad rap, right? *motions at angry farmer* Well, as we all know also, tame Chupas are very sweet-tempered. Chocolate is sweet. Chupacabras are brown; chocolate is brown. And Mexico has its own variety of hot chocolate, made with semi-sweet chocolate, cinnamon, sugar and vanilla. Before that, Mayan hot chocolate had chili powder in it- a bit of a bite, so to speak. And Chupacabras can bite.
And that is the end of a rambling, badly done paragraph that attempts to describe this family. Oh, and I plan to have lots of names starting with Z in this lineage. Dunno why. 8D