Aeroniel Family Crest

The Aeroniel Family

Creator: SCFox2620
Owner: SCFox2620

Members: 12

You walk by the lake and find an Ibex eating at the edge of the water. There’s a splash and the beautiful purple body of a koi jumps out and lands within the water. Floating nearby is a scale and horned Capricorn egg. The ibex looks up at you and nudges you towards the egg. You reach out and take it and the little purple koi pushes it into your hand. You turn to go, taking on last look at the bank of the lake behind you. The Ibex is watching you intently but soon goes back to eating.

“A fish may love an ibex, but where would they live?”
S.C.’s answer. Who care, they have all they want with each other. And I will help in any way.

-If you do not want the gift sell it or return it please.
-No inbreeding please.
-People who release will be black listed.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (2)