The Piano Player Family
Creator: StarShaper
Owner: StarShaper
Members: 22
You walk into a room with nothing but a grand piano sitting in the middle. All of the sudden, you hear a beautiful melody and a streak of white. Then, you hear another melody, almost like it is responding to the first one you heard, and you see a streak of pink. After playing a whole sympony, the streaks stop, and you see two jackalopes sitting in front of you. This rare breed of jackalopes love to play piano, and often help out struggling composers.
I'd like to request that you name your Piano Player after a famous piano piece. You can PM me if you have any trouble finding a name. Also, if the mate is not named, I'd like you to name it after a piano piece too. I'd also ask for the mate to be SB. If it's a girl, I have SB boys.
Crest Made By: Gingy