Ookami Kouhei Family Crest

The Ookami Kouhei Family

Creator: SapfireWolf
Owner: SapfireWolf

Members: 7

You walk along a path in the Silva Forest that you'd never explored before. You want to see what's here and are surprised when you start to hear Direwolves howling. You run quickly as possible towards the sound, wondering exactly why nthey're making such a racket. You stumble into a small clearing and see a pack or Direwolves, and see a few Magi with them as well. One of them who has a blue robe pulled over her head comes to you and pushes her hood down. There she explains the Ookami Kouhei family, and introuduces the two Progenitors, Hikyuu and Garou. You ask if you can take one of the hatchlings home, and the blue robed magi tells you that you can, if one of them follow you.

The Ookami Kouhei, or warrior wolves, are a family of Direwolves that will willingly die for their magis. All of them are fierce and protective, but at the same time loving. However you have to raise them with respect otherwise one day they might decide they've had enough of you and turn against you.


1st Generation (5)