Illithid Family Crest

The Illithid Family

Creator: assey
Owner: DarrkestDrow

Members: 11

Illithids are strange monsters indeed. Sickly, pale, kinda-sorta undeadish looking, tentacle faced, EVIL brain sucking monsters.

...Or that's what Wizards Of The Coast would have you believe.

Deep down, they're just big tentacled cuddle buddies...who still want to drink your brain juice...but only just a little! You don't need it all!

These poor, misunderstood monsters are the sword fodder for Role Playing adventures world wide. Please help save the Illithids! When you adopt an Illithid, you do more then save a save a part of yourself.

We brave the dungeons and mazes of countless RPG's, picking Illithids out of the evil clutches of adventurers with their evil +5 Aberration Slaying Mallet O'Doom, and save them from certain death & dismemberment. We do all the work for you! All you have to do is adopt your very own Illithid today, and have a loyal friend for life! ...Or at least until your brain runs dry.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (2)