Auditore Da Firenze Family Crest

The Auditore Da Firenze Family

Creator: DarrkestDrow
Owner: DarrkestDrow

Members: 61

Altair Ibn-La’Ahad "Son of None" and Maria Thorpe, a woman whose life he spared and later found love with, beget the familial line of assassins that would span many centuries. Necessity forced Altair's progeny to take the name of Auditore to hide their identities from the Templars.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins."

The Assassin’s Creed:
-Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.- "The goal of the assassins is to ensure peace in all things."
-Always be discreet.- "Hide in plain sight. Let the people mask you such that you become one with the crowd."
-Never compromise the Brotherhood.- "The actions of one must never bring harm to all."

We are nothing if we do not abide by the Assassin's Creed. It restricts unnecessary slaughter of innocents, preserves the reputation of one's self and the order, and is meant to create peace not only within the world, but within the individual.


1st Generation (20)

2nd Generation (18)

3rd Generation (10)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (4)

6th Generation (3)