of Chocolate Family Crest

The of Chocolate Family

Creator: Bieni
Owner: Bieni

Members: 27

In the land of the magi, it is custom to celebrate the arrival of spring by sharing laughter, posies, and lots of chocolate. Each year, the chocolate is especially created for this celebration, and comes in the most amazing shapes: among the favourites are Temple Cat-shaped chocolate cake, Cehual Boar-truffles, and chocolate bunnies, whose ears would soon be bitten off at the chocolate lovers' feast.

One year however, when the tables were all set up with new chocolate creations for the approaching spring celebration, a magi sneaked in and placed jackalope horns on the heads of each chocolate bunny. The next morning, there was a lot of cheer as all chocolate bunnies suddenly sprang to life, transforming magically into cacao jackalopes!

The family of Chocolate is determined to make a stand against the arbitrariness of Cehual Boars. Thus, they unite with other families, in order to form a strong bond and outnumber the Boars.

Please breed with your Jackalope Families.


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (3)

5th Generation (2)

6th Generation (1)

7th Generation (1)