of Rapture Family Crest

The of Rapture Family

Creator: Borgia
Owner: Borgia

Members: 10

1. Do not sell creatures of this lineage.
2. Serious names.
3. This lineage can only be bred into the 'Borne of Rapture' lineage. No other lineages.
4. Out-breeding is acceptable. Just keep the family pure.
5. No releasing/freezing.

One man once had a vision. A city where artists would not fear censorship. Where scientists would not be bound by morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small.
By the sweat of Andrew Ryan's brow, Rapture was borne. A marvelous self-sustaining city under the sea. A city for the world's best to run. A purely-capitalistic society without moral restrictions. Paradise. Well, maybe for those who were better off. Being purely capitalistic, it was hard for the less fortunate to get by. They were treated as parasites; parasites that needed disposal of. Naturally they retaliated and war resulted.

Once Ryan fell from power, Sofia was quick to take charge. Only time would tell whether Rapture would thrive.. or fall apart.


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)