Thutmosid Family Crest

The Thutmosid Family

Creator: Serianna
Owner: Serianna

Members: 398

This lineage is named for the dynasty King Tutankhamun (King Tut) hailed from. As is obvious, this lineage is in honor of King Tut and celebrates the wonder of Ancient Egypt and the 18th dynasty of Pharoahs.

There are only a few rules for this lineage:

1. That all members of this lineage must be named after royal members or relations to Ancient Egyptian Dynasties.
2. Please refrain from putting Queen, King, or Pharaoh on as part of the name as this was not originally done when the Lineage was created...
3. You are allowed to breed with my other Egyptian Lineages of course and it's encouraged.
4. Inbreeding and Freezing are allowed and encouraged... As you research the Egyptian Dynasties you will see why I allowed this.


1st Generation (13)

2nd Generation (20)

3rd Generation (26)

4th Generation (28)

5th Generation (28)

6th Generation (22)

7th Generation (13)

8th Generation (13)

9th Generation (15)

10th Generation (14)

11th Generation (10)

12th Generation (11)

13th Generation (13)

14th Generation (12)

15th Generation (13)

16th Generation (9)

17th Generation (10)

18th Generation (11)

19th Generation (9)

20th Generation (9)

21st Generation (9)

22nd Generation (10)

23rd Generation (9)

24th Generation (8)

25th Generation (9)

26th Generation (10)

27th Generation (13)

28th Generation (10)

29th Generation (7)

30th Generation (8)

31st Generation (3)

32nd Generation (1)