of Pieuvre Armement Family Crest

The of Pieuvre Armement Family

Creator: Borgia
Owner: Borgia

Members: 10

"Arms of the octopus, arms for your war."

Pieuvre Armement (lit. "Octopus armaments") is one of the 5 PMCs (Private Military Company) who operate under the dummy mother company, Outer Heaven, which is run by Liquid Ocelot, is based in France. They utilize the System, otherwise known as SOP (Sons of the Patriots), which uses nanomachines to enhance and regulate their senses. The name is based on FOXHOUND mercenary Decoy Octopus. Currently, Pieuvre Armement has been deployed in South America fighting the Rebel Guerrilla Soldiers. Raiden has also mentioned that the South American state army is fighting alongside Pievre Armement against the rebels, setting up ambushes for the rebel forces. This statement, coupled with the fact that Laughing Octopus ambushed several South American rebels, would imply that their PMC is a Guerilla Warfare-based one.

1. No ice kraken.
2. No releasing or freezing.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)