Alphabet Family Crest

The Alphabet Family

Creator: Loop
Owner: Loop

Members: 55

Name 'em according to generation! All first gens start with B, 2nd, C, etc. After Z, just start over again at A!

01. Do name your Alphabet!
02. Please return to Lupin if no longer wanted.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (5)

5th Generation (3)

6th Generation (2)

7th Generation (2)

8th Generation (2)

9th Generation (2)

10th Generation (2)

11th Generation (2)

12th Generation (2)

13th Generation (2)

14th Generation (2)

15th Generation (1)

16th Generation (1)